Tuesday, August 25, 2020

When the Other Dancer is The Self free essay sample

â€Å"Beauty: When the Other Dancer Is the Self† by Alice Walker is an article portraying her own involvement in what excellence really is. Alice Walker is an African American essayist who has won numerous honors for her composition. A couple of these honors incorporate a Pulitzer Prize and the American Book Award. In her personal story â€Å"Beauty: When the Other Dancer Is the Self,† she reveals to us the account of how she grievously lost and afterward at last recovered her confidence after much distress. She recounts to an individual story of how she never needed to function much for consideration and for individuals to reveal to her that she was delightful. Subsequent to getting shot in the eye by her siblings, she attempted to have a similar consideration. All through the article she clarifies how she conquered her hurt eye, which lead her to be more grounded and acknowledge herself. She endeavors to demonstrate anybody can figure out how to acknowledge themselves with time and tolerance. At the point when Alice was eight years of age one of her siblings shot her in the eye with a BB weapon while they are playing a round of Cowboys and Indians. This occasion causes this once quite, glad, active young lady to lose confidence in her excellence. She strolls us through the encounters she has when the mishap, and gives us how her life changed in light of her irregularity. The title from the outset may be confounding to the peruser. Above all else there is the word excellence. This word is straightforward from the outset, however the hidden implications are unending. In Alice’s paper, she alludes to excellence regarding the manner in which she glances to start with. Before the finish of the paper, Alice considers magnificence from an alternate perspective. One may think about what the noteworthiness of â€Å"When the Other Dancer Is the Self† really implies. The importance of this part of the title is difficult to decipher until perusing the article. At the end, Alice longed for the hit the dance floor with herself. Before she understands who the other artist is, she first notification her magnificence and her achievement of defeating something. When she sees the other artist is in certainty herself, she is affirmed that she has defeated her concern also. This is genuinely magnificence, when the other artist really is oneself. As I read this article, I for one get the sentiment of pity for her. The nitty gritty stories that are incorporated add such a great amount to the inclination one gets. This is the utilization of feeling. Walker hops from past content with her appearance to not needing anybody to take a gander at her when she strolls around. Her deplorable story of being dismissed at school could truly connect with somebody who was harassed in school, for looks, however for other potential imperfections also. Alice’s paper is motivating for me, and I have not been in a circumstance like hers previously. On the off chance that the exposition had an impact like this on me, the impact on other people who have been in her position could be much more prominent. A potential significance of this article could be that Alice Walker needed to perceive her achievement in tolerating herself and recognizing what magnificence genuinely is. In view of this, Walker’s crowd would be ladies with defects, which most would concur this is all ladies. There is consistently one part of the body that a lady isn't sure with. After perusing this paper, there is a feeling of a certainty supporter. Despite the fact that there is a physical and mental scar, the creator demonstrates that there is an approach to conquer these idea to be issues and acknowledge them as a feature of who one may be. The way toward tolerating oneself is in some cases long and hard, however at long last there is no more noteworthy prize. The theory of this article isn't plainly expressed. There are numerous ramifications all through that clue towards the purpose of tolerating oneself for all blemishes, however Alice Walker never really expresses this. By utilizing this method, the peruser needs to burrow for the significance. Now and again one may locate this uninteresting, however she keeps the reader’s consideration with her point by point stories and hauling one’s feelings along as she reveals to her story. The exposition brings to the reader’s consideration how much accentuation is put on excellence. Before Alice Walker got shot in the eye, excellence was obviously a significant piece of her life. She starts the story where she makes clear that she knows she’s excellent. In the absolute starting point of the exposition, Alice says to her dad, â€Å"I’m the prettiest! † She quickly is utilizing her magnificence to pick up her father’s endorsement. Alice is clear with the crowd that she is sure with herself and her external excellence. She shows at an early stage in the exposition how significant this magnificence is. By what she thinks, however by others' opinion of her also. At the point when the individuals in her general public recognize her excellence so frequently, this lone adds to the significance. Alice makes a point to get this point across at an early stage so the peruser sees the amount of a change she encountered after the â€Å"accident. † â€Å"It was incredible fun being charming. Be that as it may, at that point, at some point, it finished. † This announcement totally changes the reader’s sentiments. In the wake of working up a picture in their mind of this valuable young lady, there is clearly a disastrous occasion going to happen and the crowd may have some compassion toward Alice now. As she proceeds to recount to the nitty gritty anecdote about how she was shot by her siblings, the peruser can nearly feel precisely what Alice Walker felt. She recounts to the account of her mishap and following, Walker says how she would now be not able to stroll around with her head up. Walker utilizes the mishap that occurs during her youth to demonstrate that one’s mentality can be changed in view of an encounter, for example, hers. Her demeanor totally transforms from a bombastic and careless kid into a lady who sees an alternate sort of excellence than she had previously. All through the exposition, Alice Walker recounts to short accounts of her life to let the peruser feel as though they know a greater amount of what she has experienced. The more the peruser knows, the simpler time they have interfacing with her story. Alice utilizes redundancy all through the exposition to underline what she wants to cause to notice. She tries to tell her crowd that others constantly advised her, â€Å"You didn't change. † In this short, straightforward sentence, she says a thousand explanations. Despite the fact that Alice doesn't understand when she is told she didn't change that the others were not discussing her appearance. They were mentioning to her that regardless of what her eye resembled, what her identity was didn't change, and she was as yet excellent. Alice didn't have the foggiest idea about this, however. She had an effect on others, not just on the grounds that she was simple on the eyes, but since she carried a grin to their face. Walker gives her disdain for her previous self by demonstrating that satisfaction can some of the time simply be transitory. As a result of this early portrayal, Walker would then be able to utilize the exceptional change which happens later to communicate her outrageous mentality change with more prominent impact on the peruser. Alice didn't have a clue how to acknowledge herself in the wake of getting shot. Most perusers can identify with this some way or another. At the point when her little girl reveals to her that she has a world in her eye, Alice is halted abruptly. The impact of this line on the peruser at last leaves them speechless, also. This is an entirely different light of taking a gander at the circumstance by utilizing this similitude. The feeling raised in both the peruser and Alice is extraordinary. The finish of the exposition presents and clarifies the expression, â€Å"When the other artist is oneself. † Although Alice had a hard street of recuperating from her mishap, she in the long run acknowledges she is similarly as delightful as in the past. Her effective completion of this article leaves the peruser with fulfillment. With a crowd of people who has more than likely encountered a portion of similar circumstances, or thinking they are insufficient due to their own mishap, an example of overcoming adversity like Alice’s rouses others to defeat their circumstance, as well. Generally speaking, Alice Walker demonstrates that blemishes in our appearance can impact our perspective on ourselves. Our view of magnificence can change and the manner in which we see ourselves can once in a while be modified by occasions that occur throughout everyday life. Alice Walker’s utilization of sentiment all through her exposition is phenomenal. The manner in which she utilizes every last bit of her own encounters to impact the perusers emotions is incredible. Her utilization of logos and ethos, then again, are not close as solid, in the event that they are available by any stretch of the imagination. The plan of her exposition was to move, which she achieved very well with the gadgets she picked.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How does the internet affect the international strategy Use Porter's 5 Essay

How does the web influence the worldwide procedure Use Porter's 5 Forces and tell how web shape and change the busine - Essay Example Most organizations in the cutting edge business condition have executed a few or the other type of Internet apparatus into their business activities. While a few ventures confronted a significant change while rising into an e-business work, others may have delighted in an edge of this innovation before the utilization of the Internet got unavoidable to the current degree. (Kotler, 1997; Rainer, 2009) Internet makes financial incentive for business either by making new enterprises, for example, online sales and computerized commercial centers, or by reconfiguring existing ventures through diminished correspondence costs, simpler exchanges and quicker data spread. In spite of the fact that inventory retailers and cost free numbers have been consistently there, the web gives a progressively effective mode to arrange items and administrations. For example, separation learning has been predominant in the instruction area for a considerable length of time with right around a million unders tudies selecting every year for different correspondence courses. Yet, an adjusted and ad libbed form of separation learning is E-College. It is a full-specialist co-op that works in a joint effort with numerous colleges and distributes their courses over the web and works the conveyance arrange for an expense. The benefit of a business is impacted by the web dependent on two primary components industry structure and upper hand. While the previous decides the productivity of a normal contender, the last confers the ability to beat a normal contender. (Castells, 2003; Chadwick, 2009) In today’s quick pace of mechanical change in business condition, modern investigation turns into even more significant. The auxiliary allure of an industry, regardless of whether old or new, is represented by five powers of rivalry. These powers, on the other hand known as Porter’s Five Forces, are existing contention among contenders, danger of substitutes, hindrances to new participants, dealing intensity of providers and bartering intensity of purchasers. In spite of the fact that the idea of the five powers shifts across ventures, the benefit of an endeavor despite everything depends of these. Because of the variable idea of the five powers, it is hard to make any broad determination about the effect of the web o business condition. In any case, some predominant patterns can be derived through a review of a wide scope of enterprises where the web assumes an indispensable job. The majority of the businesses show a positive pattern attributable to the development of business sectors, improved position contrasted with rivals and new channels to contact clients. (Doorman, 1979; 2008; Karagiannopoulos, 2005) However some negative effects of web on organizations have additionally been in picture. It empowers the purchasers to have a simple access to data about items and administrations, subsequently fortifying their bartering power. It helps in development of new subst itutes because of birth of new ways to deal with addresses costumers’ issues. By diminishing the requirement for a set up deals power or alliance to existing channels, it expels obstructions to passage. It breaks down topographical fringes and extends the geological market, carrying more organizations into rivalry with one another. The expansion in fixed costs, going with the great decrease in factor costs, prompts the advancement of damaging value rivalry among the current business rivals. (Seybold, 1998; Angell, 1994) The intrinsic oddity is that the advantages offered by the web grow the market through decreased operational costs, upgraded

International Business Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Worldwide Business Analysis - Essay Example Moreover, given the reltively smll financial size of these economies, even smll mount of outside venture cn ccount for lrge percentge of their totl speculation nd in this way generte significnt impct. The spred of multintionl firms ws frequently saw with doubt nd question in such nations, prticulrly in those tht sought after strtegy of import replacement. In this pper I will tke look t both positive nd negtive impacts of multintionl firms on the economies of creating ntions. I will rgue tht such compnies through their ctivity give FDI in the economies tht re still being worked on nd spek session aces nd cons of the globliztion in frmes of multintionl firms. The idea of linkges will be talked about so as to understnd the connection between the multintionl firm nd the impact interntionliztion on the economies of creating ntions. Numerous mrket powers re behind the watched development of multintionl firms: decrease in expenses of communiction hs esed the constrints on globl rtionliztion of creation nd the informtion innovation unrest hs creted mrkets for mny new items nd administrations. Incresed world trde in administrations hs further added to globliztion of multintionl firms since administrations frequently expect providers to hve physicl nearness in mrket. In any case, chnges in the mrket condition don't cpture the entire story. Approach inititives hve plyed centrl job: mny nations hve gone further thn basically expelling brriers to inwrd multintionl firms nd hve tken all the more star ctive pproch towrd ttrcting multintionl firms to enter the mrkets of creating nations using fiscl nd finncil motivations. This new, more fvorble, strategy condition in mny creating nd some time ago socialist nations contrsts shrply with historicl ttitudes towrd multintionl firms in these nations. The ongoing wve of liberliztion of trde nd FDI approaches recommends tht the idealistic perspective on multintionl firms is by all accounts gining the upper hnd. One mnifesttion of this pattern of liberliztion is the prolifertion of bilterl venture treties cross nations: there now exist 1,513 bilterl speculation treties mong nations, compred with less thn 400 t the start of 1990 (UNCTD 1998). Obviously, the filure of import replacement s strtegy for improvement is crucil reson behind this remrkble turnround in strategies in mny creating nations. Inside the more hopeful perspective on impacts of multintionl firms to the economy of creating ntions is tht it pushes forwrd the procedure of industril advancement by creting linkges with the remainder of the economy Fundmentl ideas In clssic work, Hirschmn (1958) built up the ideas of bckwrd nd forwrd linkges nd nlyzed their importnce for financial development. In his own words: The setting up of n industry carries with it the vilbility of new expnding mrket for its data sources whether these information sources re provided initilly from brod. This enhnced mrket applies bckwrd pressure for estblishing enterprises tht flexibly the new entrnts. He clls this procedure bckwrd linkge impacts: Each non-primry ctivity will prompt ttempts to flexibly through residential creation the information sources required in tht ctivity. Similrly, forwrd linkge impacts re creted when one industry utilizes nother industry's yields s its sources of info: Each ctivity tht doesn't by its nture cter only to finl

Friday, August 21, 2020

Restatement problem definition technique

Rehashing issue definition procedure Errand 1 The motivation behind the undertaking is to pick one of the situations and to apply the Present state/Desired state, Duncker Diagram and Statement/Restatement issue definition procedure. The situation 1 is about the issue related with the reusing of post-customer squander. It has been seen that even in the most agreeable and condition cognizant networks, receptacles of recyclable waste contains 10% of wrong recyclable or non-recyclable material. For arranging non-recyclable material present in recyclable canisters, reusing organization needs to go through part of cash. The issue needs examination from the reusing organization CEOs perspective. Outline of extra data accumulated Age of waste is firmly related to populace and urbanization [1]. Improvement of existing waste administration strategy is a prime worry for creating nations. In past, the most modest practice for arranging waste was to put it in landfills. In spite of the way that the landfills were utilized to deal with the waste, the requirement for compensation of the landfills, arrival of harmful gases, restricted openness of the land for the landfills and so forth., despite everything stays an incredible difficulties for metropolitan urban communities. The consistently expanding post-purchaser squander has numerous antagonistic consequences for the strength of individuals, for example, contamination of underground water and soil, awful stench from landfills and arrival of green house gases like CO2 and CH4 [1]. The idea of 3Rs which says lessen, reuse and reuse has become a key thought for squander the board. The best method to oversee squander isn't to make it. Age of waste ought to be limited at family unit level by maintaining a strategic distance from overabundance utilization of non-natural inviting products. Reusing is the additionally extraordinary compared to other alternative for squander the board as it offers a few points of interest like use of waste which would some way or another be dumped in landfills and furthermore decline being used of new assets [2]. Novel strategies for arranging non-recyclable waste from recyclable ought to be gotten use. The creation limit of paper in Malaysia has reached up to 1,300,000 T/year [3] yet it is still low when contrasted with the utilization of paper there. Paper processes in Malaysia are presently depending on machines which can sort various evaluations of paper. In the wake of arranging, top notch paper can be reused. Malaysian paper factories are setting aside parcel of cash, vitality, diminishing the measure of landfills, lessening cremation or more all preserving their normal assets [3]. Closing down of Freshkills Landfills in Staten Island in 2001 has stressed the city of New York to discover different strategies for squander the board. To arrange gigantic measure of waste, New York City is trading portions of its loss to Virginia and its neighboring state. Noteworthy increment in removal tipping expenses lately has constrained New York City to discover different techniques for squander the board. Reusing gives a striking option as it helps in diminishing contamination, giving businesses and protecting vitality. Metropolitan Corporation in New York City is currently depending on materials recuperation office (MRF). MRF gathers squander, isolates wrong or non recyclable waste from recyclable waste, reuse the waste and stores it as crude material for assembling industry. By doing this, City of New York is sparing about $46 million every year from the aggregate sum it spends today for squander removal [4]. Present state/Desired State Technique Conversation: The current state discusses the nearness of wrong or non-recyclable material while wanted state discusses augmenting companys benefit by legitimate division and removal of non-recyclable waste. There is no match between the current state and the ideal state. Further improving of articulations is required. Conversation: These states are coordinated, yet there is no reasonable contrast between the present and the ideal state. Wanted state fairly tackles the issue in present state for example organization needs to go through cash for arranging non-recyclable waste. Genuine issue isn't settled at this point thusly further modifying of arrangement is required. Conversation There is ideal balanced mapping among present and wanted state. The issue tended to in present state is totally settled in wanted state. The ideal state centers around accomplishing zero percent tainting in recyclable containers. In this way, if there is no non-recyclable or wrong recyclable material in recyclable container there is no reason for arranging it and there is no expense for arranging it. These announcements can accordingly be considered as the best articulations for real issue. Duncker Diagram Proclamation Restatement Technique Unique issue proclamation: Bins of recyclable material contain 10% of wrong or non-recyclable material and reusing organization needs to go through cash for its removal. Trigger 1: Emphasizing on various words and expressions Canisters of recyclable material contain 10% of wrong or non-recyclable material and reusing organization needs to go through cash for its removal. Is there some other method to gather squander? Canisters of recyclable material contain 10% of wrong or non-recyclable material and reusing organization needs to go through cash for its removal. How might we diminish level of wrong or non-recyclable material? Canisters of recyclable material contain 10% of wrong or non-recyclable material and reusing organization needs to go through cash for its removal. Would we be able to utilize these wrong or non-recyclable materials? - Some materials like utilized polythene sacks can be reused as rubbish packs in houses for junk jars. Along these lines shopper can decrease the utilization of non-recyclable material. Receptacles of recyclable material contain 10% of wrong or non-recyclable material and reusing organization needs to go through cash for its removal. How might we lessen cost for arranging non-recyclable waste? Trigger 2: Substituting the unequivocal definition Holders of reusable materials are sullied with non-reusable materials that are truth be told, costly to dump. Trigger 3: Making inverse sentence How to make receptacles of recyclable material sullying free, subsequently organization needs to go through no cash for its removal? Trigger 4: Use loosening up imperatives Receptacles of recyclable material are rarely tainted and there is no expense for its removal. This strategy encourages us to think in various manner. It rouses to build up a strategy so that reuse canisters never get any tainting. Trigger 5: Replacing influential words The difficult articulation infers that we clearly need zero tainting of recyclable waste with the goal that organization needs to go through no cash for its removal. In this way, in the event that we could maintain a strategic distance from defilement at source by denoting the containers and arranging non-recyclable and recyclable waste for shoppers. Trigger 6: Expressing words as condition This announcement can be communicated in condition structure: Defilement in recyclable canister is straightforwardly relative to nearness of non-recyclable material. Consequently, By supplanting, proportionality sign (with proportionality steady (k). This trigger encourages us in deduction in elective manner. What variables influence the estimation of k? How might we limit the nearness of non-recyclable material? Legitimate labeling of containers, order of non-recyclable materials and recyclable materials for buyers, lessening utilization of non-recyclable material and so forth can help in diminishing pollution of reuse canisters. References Moldes, Y. Cendon, M. T. Barral, â€Å"Evaluation of city strong waste fertilizer as a plant developing media segment, by applying blend design,† Bioresource Technology, vol. 98, no. 16, November 2007. V. W. Y Tam, C. M. Hat, â€Å"A audit on the feasible innovation for development squander recycling,† Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 209-221, June 2006. M. O. Rahman, M. A. Hannan, E. Scavino, A. Hussain, H. Basri, â€Å"An Efficient Paper Grade Identification Method for Automatic Recyclable Waste Paper Sorting,† European Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 96-103, 2009. A. J. Dubanowitz, â€Å"Design of a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) For Processing the Recyclable Materials of New York Citys Municipal Solid Waste,† M.S. proposition, Dept.Earth and Environmental Eng., Columbia Univ., May 2000 [online]. Accessible at http://www.seas.columbia.edu/earth/dubanmrf.pdf, recovered on 09/29/09.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Children Are More Prone to Depression During Puberty

Children Are More Prone to Depression During Puberty Depression Childhood Depression Print Depression During Puberty By Lauren DiMaria linkedin Lauren DiMaria is a member of the Society of Clinical Research Associates and childhood psychology expert. Learn about our editorial policy Lauren DiMaria Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on July 14, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 03, 2020 Depression Overview Types Symptoms Causes & Risk Factors Diagnosis Treatment Coping ADA & Your Rights Depression in Kids   VOISIN  / Getty Images   Puberty can be a difficult time for you and your child. While your child is developing physically, they are also experiencing rapid growth of psychosocial maturity. Put simply, during this time, children begin to naturally pull away from their families and connect with their peers to establish independence and individuality. While social withdrawal, moodiness, and other behavioral changes are commonly attributed to this normal developmental stage, researchers are realizing that in some cases, these changes could indicate that puberty is actually contributing to depression. The Frequency of Depression During Puberty It is estimated that 2% of children under age 10 experience depression, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. However, between the ages of 10 and 14, the average age range of puberty onset, depression rates increase from 5% to 8% for children overall. Though rates of depression are higher for boys than girls before puberty, the rate for girls becomes double that of boys during puberty. How Prevalent Is Depression? Signs of Depression Puberty is a unique time when changes in appearance and behavior are naturally occurring. As such, parents, teachers, and caregivers need to be especially aware of signs of depression, which may be hard to differentiate from normal behavioral changes. Moodiness, separation from parents, and identification with peers are behaviors common during puberty. Symptoms that may indicate depression, however, include: Thoughts of self-harmAvoidance of schoolAcademic declineRisk-taking behaviorsPersistent vague physical complaintsExcessive guiltUnexplained cryingFeeling misunderstoodLosing interest in things of former interestClinging to a parent or worrying that a parent may dieSleeping difficultiesWeight changesUnexplained fatigueDifficulty concentrating and focusing Take signs of depression seriously. Never be dismissive, particularly if your child is expressing thoughts of self-harm or suicide. Signs That a Child Might Be Depressed Why Does Depression Increase During Puberty? Several theories for the striking increase in depression during puberty exist. However, there is little agreement among researchers and clinicians. Hormones Estrogen, a female sex hormone, has consistently been linked to depression. Estrogen levels dramatically increase in girls during puberty, which may contribute to the increase in depression rates among them. Conversely, testosterone, a male sex hormone that increases in boys during puberty, has not been linked to depression. One study looking at gender and sex differences in depression proposed that a diathesis-stress model could account for why girls are more prone to depression.?? This theory proposes that predisposed hormonal vulnerabilities interact with environmental stresses to contribute to the onset of depression. Stage of Physical Development The research published in The Journal of Affective Diseases reported that physical development during mid-puberty predicted the increase in depression rates more than other any factor that was studied.?? Timing at Puberty Onset The timing of puberty onset may have an impact on depression rates: Children are early or late developers may exhibit more depressive symptoms than those who felt they were developing at the same time as their peers. A 2016 study found that early-onset breast development is associated with a higher risk for symptoms of depression.?? Researchers note, however, that it is unknown if this is connected to the effects of hormones or the impact of social pressures. Stressful Life Events During puberty, academic work and social relationships become more complex and demanding, which can be stressful. Some children are more prone to depression as a result of stressful life events. Does Your Teen Seem Depressed? Heres How to Help Where to Get Help More research is needed to determine the cause of the increase in depression during puberty. Regardless of the causes, depression during childhood can have a profound impact on a childs functioning including school performance and relationships. It is also associated with lasting effects on later relationships, social functioning, parenting, school performance, substance use, and the onset of other mental disorders. Steps you should take: Dont ignore behavioral and mood changes in your child, as there is clear evidence that rates of depression increase during puberty.Listen to your child about how they are feeling and take their concerns seriously; let them know that you are there to offer support and help.Talk to your childs doctor. Always be concerned about any new or unexplained behaviors in your child and bring them to the attention of your childs physician. A physician can rule out other medical problems, and help decide if the behavioral changes are a normal part of puberty or a sign of depression. Your childs doctor will ask questions about the types of symptoms your child is experiencing as well as the duration and severity of these symptoms. Your doctor may recommend treatment options or may refer you to a mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor. Early identification and treatment of depression are essential, especially for children. Unfortunately, research suggests that depression among children in teens is common yet underdiagnosed and undertreated.?? Treatment Research suggests that children with mild depression can often be successfully treated with support and symptom monitoring. For moderate to severe cases of depression occurring during puberty, treatment options may include the use of antidepressants and psychotherapy, often in combination. The 7 Best Online Help Resources for Depression Two types of psychotherapy that may be effective in treating major depressive disorder in adolescents and children are: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): This approach focuses on identifying and changing the cognitive and behavioral patterns that are associated with cycles of depression.Interpersonal therapy (IPT): This type of therapy focuses on identifying relationship problems and addressing those conflicts. Poor relationships or the termination of important relationships (such as a breakup or a parental divorce) can contribute to symptoms of depression. Caution and careful monitoring are necessary when children and adolescents take antidepressants, as these medications can increase the risk of suicide. Education is important for helping teens and loved ones understand the potential risks and how to spot signs of suicidal thinking. How to Help a Depressed Teenager